Tuesday Evening
8 pm
Dear Folks:
Well here is what I have done so far today – Got up at 4:30 am – chow (meaning food) 5:30 am – Drill from 6:30 am to 8 am – got rifles at 8:30 am – spent until 11 am learning it – chow again at 11:30 am – picture taken at 12:30 pm – washed clothes until 4 pm – (I had charge of the whole platoon this afternoon of 63 men) – chow at 4:30 pm – been marching since then.
I am squad leader of squad 5 consisting of 10 men. I have charge of all the men—see they get up—shave, bath, dressed properly and etc.
Incidentally, Band and Leonard of Monmouth are in my platoon.
Believe me they really put you through the paces here but it is one of the best things that could ever happen to anybody.
As yet I haven’t heard from any of you—I trust you are all well—I am feeling great—a little sunburned but I’ll soon get over that.
Please pass this letter around. I have been so darn busy I just haven’t had time to write.
Monday we go to boot camp for 7 weeks. Their we live in tents.
Incidentally we have to make our beds a certain way every morning upon getting up. Mother I’ll show you how it works.
Hope all of you are well—I do miss all of you.
Love to all,