September 6, 1941
4:45 pm
Dear Folks:
Today I finished my second week of “Boot” Camp and believe me I am plenty tired. Mother I surely do know how you feel after a washing and you have my sympathy. I just got back from scrubbing with a brush and soap and hot water for two hours. I washed a shirt, pair a pants, pair of hose, underwear, a towel, and all of my combat equipment which consists of a bayonet cover, a cartridge belt, a canteen holder, a 1st aid kit holder, a mess gear holder and the pack itself. Oh: yes and a pair of legons.
Monday morning we start on a four day maneuver. That will consist of a great deal of walking and the carrying of a combat pack on your shoulders plus your rifle.
This morning we had an examination on gas. I know I got along alright. We also received our bayonet medals this morning. That is the ones who made expert. When I go out to the range I will send it home for you to look at and then you can mail it back as I have to wear it at general inspections.
Dad, I got your letter this morning and I surely am glad you and Mother are going to be able to take a trip.
You know I haven’t set in a chair since I left the train. All we have to set on in the barracks are our locker boxes.
This afternoon I also got another shot in the arm. That is my last one in the arm but I understand we have to take another one in the rear.
I got a letter back I mailed to you because I put on only two two cent stamps instead of three.
So far I have only one blister but it is a good one.
Will drop you another line tomorrow.
Love to all,