September 12, 1941
Dear Folks:
This morning was the big morning. I am enclosing herewith my certificate. Would like for you to get it framed and when they do have them clean it up a little.
My medal is a gold emblem on a shield & on the shield it reads for efficiency. This medal I turn in at the end of the next four weeks. But the certificate is mine to keep and believe me I am plenty proud of it. I almost forgot to give the Colonel a gun salute when he pinned my medal on. You see the Colonel stood in the front of the Platoon then the Sargent said: Private McLoskey front and center. I put my rifle on my right shoulder and marched out to the Colonel. He gave a speech to the Platoon while I stood at attention. He told them he knew they had selected a good man etc. then he shook my left hand put my medal on me & then gave me the enclosed certificate. Then I gave him another gun salute about faced & walked to my position in rank.
We had a group picture taken this afternoon. When I can get one I’ll send it to you.
Tomorrow morning we go to the range. We spend three weeks their.
As I was elected Honor Man I didn’t have to go on maneuvers the last two days. I stayed at the barracks to greet the Inspecting Officer.
I’ll say one thing you surely do learn something new each day.
Hope this finds all of you feeling fine. When do you go on your trip?
Glad Aunt Vera is feeling better.
Will write again Sunday.
Love to all,