September 28, 1941
Dear Folks:
I will start this letter before I attend church and thus I’ll be able to have it almost complete and will be able to mail it this afternoon.
This morning it is very chilly and cloudy. As a matter of fact it is so chilly I am planning on putting on my overcoat. Washed my sweatshirt yesterday afternoon so it is not dry yet.
Well one week from today and I will be back at the base in San Diego.
Living conditions out here are a little crowded but it is fun because it is just like camping out.
All this coming week we will do nothing but fire the rifle. That means we have to get up plenty early because we have to be out on the range by seven am. The range is about a mile and a half walk from the tent area.
Yesterday I worked in the butts pulling targets and marking them. It is quite a thrill to sit there and listen to those bullets sing over your head. You can’t get hit as there is a dirt and cement barricade in front of you.
Mother, I am sorry to hear you didn’t feel so good on your trip. Now you take care of yourself and just rest for awhile. I know a good rest will do you good.
Dad, I received the draft identification you gave me or sent me. I am sort of the same opinion you are. But the government seems to be doing funny things.
I took out $5000.00 of government insurance and when I get my policy I will send it to you.
Received a letter from Mary Dickson yesterday. She surely is a swell girl. She told me she would be in Monmouth today. Wish I could be with her and see all of you.
Just got the call for church so I will finish this when I return.
What I mean the Chaplain we have can really give wonderful sermons. This morning he talked about God and the fighting man or the man under arms. He brought out the fact that all the great Generals were great believers in God and that it also held true in civilian life that the great leaders in life were all professed and devout Christians.
I’ll bet you will never forget the trip you had. Hope someday we can take a nice trip together.
I now have a little washing I must do and I also must write to the Aunts today.
I surely am loosing weight but I feel much better and one surely does live a clean and regular life. You get into habits which will be good for you the rest of your life.
Am always glad to hear from all of you. Hope this finds all of you feeling fine.
Love to all,