October 5, 1941
Dear Folks:
Yesterday we moved back to San Diego to the base. We are also living in tents here. We parade before the Colonel Wednesday and then have our final inspection on Friday and then receive our scatter sheets. In the parade Wednesday I carry the company flag instead of my rifle because I was Honor Man. I have to do the manual with it the same as my rifle.
By the time you get this you probably will have read the letter I wrote Roberts in which I explained record day at the rifle range.
The Chaplain surely did deliver a good sermon this morning. He surely does have a splendid way in putting his point over.
Dad, I get the Pathfinders and the front Rank and I surely do appreciate them. Surely is some good reading material in both of them.
Our Sargent’s father died Friday morning. I surely do feel sorry for him. His father was 62 years of age and dropped dead from heart failure while on his way to work.
We had white rabbit for chow today noon. It surely was good.
This afternoon I washed my clothes. All this week they will be inspected every day.
Oh: yes, they had me fill out a publicity sheet today. So maybe it will be in the local paper one of these days.
Tonight I must shine my cap visor, shoes & belt. As soon as I get out I will have a picture taken to send you.
You know this Marine life isn’t so bad. You get three meals a day, your clothes and a place to sleep. Since I have been into it for awhile I believe every male citizen should have to serve one day, I mean one term. Some fellows are in my tent talking and I get mixed up once in awhile.
Mother, I hope you are feeling much better and you be sure to take good care of yourself.
Drop me a line whenever you have time! I always am glad to receive mail from all of you.
Love to all,