27 November 1941
Dear Folks:
I am enclosing my warrant which shows my promotion. If you will keep it for me.
Had my stripes sewed on my shirts and blouse today. Oh: yes and also my overcoat. Cost 10 cents per pair. I had six shirts, one blouse and one overcoat.
Received a letter from Robert today. I’ll write him over the weekend. It has been quite chilly here today. Had to wear a sweatshirt under my shirt.
Tomorrow will be another busy day. A parade in the afternoon and in the morning I’ll have to check over the payroll.
I imagine that Monday I’ll be transferred into the base at San Diego to the Quartermaster Division of Special Troops. That is I’ll be detached from the tank company to the base. By this I mean I will still be on the pay roll of the tank company.
Yet this evening I must shine my leather goods and also take a shower bath. Then I’ll read for awhile and retire.
Robert sent me a dollar in his letter. Gee: one doesn’t realize how little things like that puts pep into an individual. He also said he wanted a picture of me so I’ll send him one. Will have some printed and should be able to get them by Monday.
Mr. Hardin surely didn’t last long. I imagine it was a pretty big funeral.
Not a great deal of news but a line to let you know I am thinking of you and to let you know I am advancing rapidly in the Marine Corps.
Love to all,