December 3, 1941
Dear Friends:
Received your letter Bob and I’ll try and make it to your house for Christmas. The way the situation now looks in the Pacific we are liable to move and move fast any day now. At least we drew supplies today for an Expeditionary Force.
I am now located at the base in San Diego with the Division of Special Troops Quartermaster. Although I imagine I will be transferred to the Paymaster branch any day now at least that is the way it looks. I still however receive my mail at the same old address through the tank company at Camp Elliott.
We are having one of those unusual California rains this evening.
Here I am living in barracks with steam heat and already I have caught a terrific cold. Since I have been living like an Indian in a tent I can’t get used to steam heat.
Since last writing you I have been promoted to a P.F.C. Now I will start drawing $36.00 a month the 14th of December instead of $30.00. Oh well every little bit helps and the stripe on my sleeve lets me get by with more in Marine Corps. At least the boots jump when they see it.
It is swell of you kids to ask me down and don’t think for one minute I am not looking forward to eating those onion sandwiches.
Bob, maybe you should go back to Monmouth and take over the job of cashier at the 2nd Nat’l what with Everett deceased, Dell at camp and Dell Cable ill.
Received a letter from Arizona offering me a round trip ticket but I’ll stay away as I am afraid that gal is determined to get me. Oh! yes I also received quite a letter from Leota. Beats all hell how these old gals go for me.
Will dr0p you a line latter letting you now whether I can make it or not. You can bet I’ll sure try
Sara, I sure do miss that salad of yours.
As ever,
P.S. The are filming the show “From the Shores of Tripoli” in front of the barracks I am now quartered in. Randolph Scott is the star. He used our head this morning.