December 21, 1941
Dear Folks:
Received your card and gift today and I want to thank you very much. I am going to buy some pipe tobacco, cigars, and a new field scarf.
Golly, it surely doesn’t seem like Christmas to me. No gifts to wrap and it is the first time I haven’t sent any cards out in a long time. I am just going to answer all the people with a letter when I am able to find time.
Had to work today but have the evening off. When I finish this I am going to wash out some hose, a belt, shine my shoes, take a shower and go to bed.
Dad, we don’t get any leave at all as you know the Marines have to stand by and be ready to move out at a moment’s notice.
Expect the Beatty’s wish they were back in the middle west. I know that I do. But, now I am glad I am in because I would have been drafted later anyway. Surely do hope that this war will soon end. Don’t hardly see how it will though for some time unless they turn the Marines lose on the Japs, Germans and Italians.
Got the papers and magazines and thanks a lot. Surely is some good reading in the Boy’s Life.
They surely are coming in fast here at the Base and it won’t be long until we have a very large Marine Corps. They are enlarging it by about 50,000 men.
Want to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and I want you to know I think of you a great deal and I am living for the day when we will all be together again.
Love to all,