28 January, 1942
Time 1705
Dear Folks:
- As I have a few minutes before I shove off to the base this evening for airplane engine school I will drop you a few lines.
- We have been very busy again this week as we have in the past except that now I am so tired at five in the morning that I can hardly get out of bed. Will be glad when this training cycle is over.
- It will no doubt be some time before I hear about me getting a commission as it has to be acted on by a board that convenes in Washington. Anyway that was a nice letter that the Major wrote about me don’t you think so?
- Am sending you a picture of me in my field hat I thought it was pretty good. Hope you will like it.
- I got a letter from Wilda and I will try and see them in the near future. I will also write to them.
- Oh yes this morning we all had to go through the gas chamber and they made us take our masks off to give us a good whiff of the gas and I am telling you that my eyes still burn as well as my face and neck. Gas must be horrible.
- Tomorrow we will be out in the field again all day long as we have some maneuvers with the tanks in Platoons. I thought my driver was going to upset me the other day but he pulled out of it in time and it made me feel very happy and he and I both were complimented.
- I had to write for some more references so I wrote to Bill Bardens, Curly Brooks and Mr. Wagner. I should hear from them this week end. They surely do want a lot when they start to promote you. Oh well I guess that it is worth all the trouble.
- Had to change typewriters so I hope that you don’t mind. Golly I know that I surely would like to see all of you and that I do miss all of you.
- Tell Libby that I got the cookies o.k. and that they were fine and that I will drop them a line as soon as I have time. Mother, I am sorry that you didn’t get a chance to go to Chicago I mean that you didn’t feel like it. I hope that you are feeling better.
- I have gotten all your letters and I am always glad to hear from all of you. If it wasn’t for the Whitemans I think I would loose my mind out here. They surely have been swell to me.
- Was that ever fast service on my birth certificate. I got it the next Monday. Oh yes I will now draw $54.00 per month less my Insurance, Hospitalization, which amounts to $4.25 per month. Believe it or not I am buying defense Bonds and I soon will have my book filled which I will send to you and you in turn can get a bond. I have the 25 cent book type.
- Well, I must hurry up and get dressed to go down to the base. Hope that this finds all of you feeling fine. Say hello to all the family and friends.
Love to all,