10 January
Time 2130
Dear Robert, Libby, Anne, Bobby and Mary Alice:
Well, I suppose by the time you have received this the folks will have shown you my corporal warrant. Don’t mind telling you I am plenty proud of it and also that I expect to go higher.
My new duties also made me Commander of Tank #5. Will give you the schedule of schooling I had today and what I have for tomorrow. Also, please take note I have to instruct the subjects to my tank crew.
10 January 42:
0700-0800 – Driving signals
0800-0900 – Identify enemy planes
0900-1000 – Double clutching
1000-1130 – BMG Caliber 30
1130-1300 – Chow and rest period
1300-1400 – Ammunition safety precautions and etc.
1400-1500 – Identify enemy tanks
1500- 1630 – BMG, TSMG nomenclature
11 January 42:
0700-0800 – Map & compass reading
0800-0900 – Caliber 45 Pistol, safety precautions and nomenclature
0900-1000 – Weapons, cleaning, adjusting, repairing and etc.
1000-1130 – Same as above
1130-1300 – Chow & rest period
1300-1400 – Elementary tank driving
1400-1500 – same as above
1500-1630 – First aid & field sanitation
(As you can see I am quite busy, besides studying for all this I also am breaking a fellow in the Majors & Captains office.)
I will have 30 days of such a schedule (if I last that long physically) but I believe I am built well enough to take it.
Got a letter from the folks this evening and I surely was glad to hear from them. Dad also sent me some stamps which I always appreciate..
If you will please let all the family read this letter as I know I am going to be darn busy for awhile.
When I get my 48 hour furlough I am going to call on the Whitemans.
Bobby, I wish you were out here so I could take you for a ride in my tank. You would get a big thrill out of it for sure. As far as that goes I believe all of you would get quite a thrill out of riding with me.
Golly, I often wonder what is in store for all of us.
Remember I love all of you and think of all of you all the time.
Hope all of you are well. I am going to crawl in my bunk.
Love to all,