Tuesday Evening
7:15 pm
Dear Folks:
Tomorrow we go on a 20 hour driving schedule. By that I mean we will be out for 20 hours straight. As a consequence I am going to retire about eight this evening. But before I did I wanted to drop you a line.
My cold is still with me. The Dr. gave me some very bitter tasting pills but they seem to be doing the work. So you see even here in sunny California we catch colds.
As to my commission I hear that my letter is now in Washington at the MGC’s office and I should hear in about two or three weeks about it.
Haven’t been able to get up to the Whitemans for some time due to the fact that we now only get Liberty every third evening and then only from 4 pm to 7 am the next morning. I am supposed to be on Liberty this evening. Am taking it by writing to you and getting prepared for the big day tomorrow.
I do enjoy hearing from all of you so much and I look forward to hearing from you. But, I am living for the day when we can all be together again and for good.
Sorry you are having all the snow but I surely would like to be back with all of you and believe it or not I would enjoy the snow.
Later on in the week I must write the kids and the Aunts. I also have to write Grandad Shawler & Aunt Mable. Tell all of them that I haven’t forgotten them.
May this letter find all of you feeling fine.
Love to all,