5 March 42
Dear Folks:
I did get up to see Mrs. Keister and we surely did have a nice visit. My Bob looked awful. He will have to watch himself for some time.
What a headache I have on my new job. Believe me running a company of men is tough. I have to put in long hours but I guess I will be able to weather the storm.
Heard from Washington. I am to old to go to the candidates class at Quantico so I have to make it the hard way rank by rank. From my experience with men I prefer to make it the hard way. Then I know what I am doing. As it is now I run Co “D” and all 1st Sgts run the companies. I know one thing Co “D” will be the best Tank Company in the Marine Corps.
Received your letters and I am always glad to hear from all of you. Also, thanks for the stamps.
Have been out in the field all day with the men and tonight I have my executive or office work to do.
You should see me riding a motorcycle. Not only do I have to know about a Tank but also be able to ride a motorcycle so I can get in and out of the field to the office and vice versa.
It is now 7:30 pm and by eleven I should have my work almost caught up.
Glad to hear that Mary Alice is feeling much better. Hope she is soon fully recovered.
Tell the Aunts, Grandad and all the relatives and friends I think of them often and I’ll try and write them soon.
Will I ever be glad to see you when you come out. I won’t be able to get a furlough but I will be able to get some time off. Let me know as soon as possible when you are coming and then I’ll be able to prepare my work a little in advance. You see now I have a great deal of work as we are in the stages of organization. But in another week or so everything should be running smoothly.
Golly, I am sorry the kids can’t come. Hope all of you are well.
Love to all,