April 27, 1942
Dear Folks & all:
I surely was glad to receive your short note and letting me know that you had arrived safely in Monmouth. I’ll bet all of them were glad to see you. By golly! I surely have missed you.
Am glad that Bobby and the children enjoyed the presents. I only wish I could have gotten them more.
Gordon Winbigler stopped by to see me for a few minutes this evening. He told me his father lost by 22 votes. Surely was a surprise. Dad, I had gotten your card telling me he was defeated. Too bad as he was a fine man. He no doubt will be back in again next time. Was glad Curly Brooks won.
Well Johnnie went back to Quantico and they told me I was needed more in my present capacity. Have been going so hard here lately that I have a cold which jus about has me whipped.
Mother, you needn’t worry when this is all over I’ll be back in Monmouth to live the rest of my life.
Am going to bed about eight this evening and see if I can stop the sniffles.
Tell all the family hello for me and write whenever you have time. Also, tell all the neighbors hello.
Hope you are resting up from your trip.
Dad, I am commencing to feel the same here. I take one thing at a time and finish the rest when I can get to them as I can’t be in the field, office and every other place all at the same time.
How did the pictures turn out we took the day you left at the cabin?
Love to all,