Co “D” 2d Tk Bn
2nd Marine Div
21 April 1942
Dear Folks:
- Dad I received your letter this morning (I mean card) and I can’t tell you how much I appreciated hearing from you. As yet I haven’t received the other cards.
- Never will I forget the visit that we had together out here and I will always cherish it in my heart and memory. I had to leave in the hurry that I did the other day to keep you from seeing the tears roll down my cheek.
- I doubt if I come back east to school as the Captain says that I am needed more in my present capacity and that he doesn’t want to let me go. Oh well such is life and if I can do more to help win the war in my present capacity than anything else I am more than glad to do it. One must forget personal gains in a time like this.
- I do hope however that I will be able to see all the family before I shove off for parts unknown.
- They still are keeping me plenty busy but I would rather be that way than any other. I got a letter from Elizabeth the day that you left. She surely is one swell girl and I must say that Robert has one swell family. How I would like to romp with Bobby and as far as that goes see all the rest of them.
- Had a bad accident here today. One of the boys fell out of a truck and broke his back but he is getting along o.k.
- Don’t forget to write to me and also send me some of the pictures we took the morning that you left. I have enough of the other pictures that we took out at the park on Sunday afternoon.
- Tell all the family and friends hello for me and don’t forget I am thinking of you all the time.
Love to all,