Well this Saturday morning June 5, 1942 at 11:30 am your son will be commissioned a 2d Lieutenant in the United States Marines. Golly! How I wish all of you could be present to see me receive my commission. They moved the graduation date up from the 10th to the 5th. I got my assignment. I will return to the tank battalion on the staff for at least the present. The tank battalion is no longer at Camp Elliott they are out in the hills living in tents the same as we are out here.
Have been getting your mail and I am always glad to hear from you. Dad, I also enjoy the church magazines and the Pathfinder.
It is now almost ten pm and we didn’t finish classes until 8 pm this evening. They really are putting us through the paces but I am learning something.
Tell the kids & the Aunts I will write them when all this school is over.
After graduation we are to attend a luncheon at the Officers Club where we will be presented a set of shoulder bars by the officers of the 2d Marine Division.
The name of the town that Larry lives at is La Jolla.
I have a picture of the camp I will send you to keep for me. It is an aerial view of my alma mater. I won’t be able to send it until I can get to the post office.
Has been rather chilly the past few mornings taking physical exercise at 5:30 am.
I will try and look up Loxley Eckles boy as soon as I get situated & sort of rested a little after this awful strain and grind.
My Bunkie got quite a kick out of the last Pathfinder because it had quite an article Kansas in it.
I want all of you to know I miss you.
Last Wednesday we attended the Eddie Cantor broadcast from Elliott. Did you happen to hear it? I am enclosing a ticket of the seat I had what I mean the Candidates Class had ring side seats.
I must now close and get some sleep at 5:30 rolls around awful fast.
Love to all,