6 August 42
Dear Folks & All:
Arrived at my new destination ok as you probably have already denoted on the outside of the envelope. My new address is:
U.S. MC Unit #535
c/o Postmaster
San Fransisco, Calif.
Surely would like to let each of you know where I am and etc.
I am going to send my green uniform home as I don’t believe I’ll be needing it for some time and as it was quite expensive I want to take good care of it.
All I can tell you is that my new station is something that one dreams about and reads about but just can’t realize exists until you see it with your own eyes.
One nice thing about it I am kept quite busy and the time passes quite rapidly. Now you needn’t worry and I’ll write to you as often as I can.
Just before I sailed from my last destination I sent you folks and the kids a little gift. I hoe you get them ok and that you will like them.
You know it seems just like yesterday when you used to say run over to Mr. Mortons and get a loaf of bread. I miss you and miss all of you. But we have a job to do and by Golly we are going to do it.
Mother, thanks for praying for me and my boys. I also do the same and ask the Lord that someday we will all be united again.
Dad you and Mother and I will have plenty to talk about when we see each other again. Hope this finds all of you well. Give my love to all.
2d Lt. Leo J McLoskey