19 August 1942
Dear Folks & All:
It is now 11:15 pm so I will drop you a note before I catch a few winks of sleep.
Thanks a lot for the stamps. They are very hard to get a hold of down here and I know that air mail must reach you sooner than the regular mail.
Haven’t had a word from anybody for about eight days. But I will receive a bundle of mail one of these days. How long does it take my letters to reach you? I suppose that they vary because I am in rather an isolated place.
It won’t be long now until Bobby will be starting to school. Golly! It doesn’t seem possible. The first thing I know Mary Alice will be starting to school.
We haven’t had much excitement for about seven days. But we can expect it almost any time.
Mother I am sending in a few days two strings of beads. You keep whichever one you want and give Elizabeth the other. I made them myself from shells I picked up where I am and I might add the shells are jewels. They are very rare and I hope that you and Libby will like them. They will no doubt be slow in reaching you as I will have to send them by parcel post. I now have them packed in a clean sock soaked with my after shaving lotion to give them a good flavor. If you like them I’ll try and make some more in the few odd spare moments that I have.
All I can tell you is that I am ok, working pretty hard, have a large responsibility on my shoulders but then I guess I am capable of handling it. Did you receive your bridge set and candle sticks as yet?
Give my regards to all the neighbors, the rest of the family & friends.
Mother, I know you and Dad will think it is a funny request but I would appreciate it if you could send me a lb. of chewing tobacco. We can’t smoke after dark and it does settle ones nerves to some extent. I would also like to give some of my men a plug or two. I have some fine boys under my command and I will do all that is humanly possible to do for them.
I will close for this time and ask God in my prayers as I do every evening for a safe return home for me and my men.
Love to all,
Lt. L.J. McLoskey