16 September 1942
Dear Folks:
Received your letters a couple of days ago and surely was glad to hear from all of you. The day I received your two letters I also received one from Robert, Aunt Ella, Elizabeth, Mary, Larry Adams, and some other officers.
I didn’t receive the package but I am sure I will one of these days. But, on the other hand I sort of have a sneaking hunch that I may be moving on again.
Am sitting at my command post writing this by a kerosene lantern. I am now up all day and night every other day for reasons I’ll have to tell you when I see you.
I am enclosing the blank and I did not fill out 3 questions for reasons that I can’t at the present writing and I believe they will understand. I think it is darn nice of Lambert to pay my dues and by the way, I also received a letter from Leota. I am going to write Lambert and thank him.
We are working pretty hard and have a little excitement now and then. Wish I could tell you more but I pray each day that this will soon be over and that I will return to all of you.
Dad, I am glad you are feeling better and take care of yourself. Mother, you see that he does.
Am glad you liked your gifts. I sent Elizabeth three dollars for a dollar a piece for the children. Would I ever like to see all of you. I’ll bet Bobby and Bobby McKee are quite the characters in the class room.
Is it ever warm. I am sitting at my field desk in the nude except my skivy drawers and the sweat is rolling off me.
My outfit is still fine and I maintain I have the greatest group of men ever assembled under my command.
Tell Elizabeth the cartoon she sent me out of the Post must have referred to me.
Hope this find all of you feeling fine and I trust you have gotten the necklaces ok and remember I made them and I’ll tell you all about the shells when I see you as they are very rare.
Love to all,
Lt. L.J. McLoskey
(The above signature is compulsory.)