22 September 42
Dear Folks & All:
Today I received your package and thanks a million. It was like receiving a million dollars. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. Although Marines are supposed to be a tough group of men and are it brought tears to my eyes just to feel the package and to know you had touched them. Mother, I won’t chew when I get back home.
I also got your letters, a letter from Elizabeth, one from Leota and one from Mary. Your letters that is the one from Mary and one from you was postmarked the early part of June.
Personally, I think you are wise in selling the property in Los Angeles and I think you got a good price. Oh! Yes I also got a letter from Bob Whiteman. He told me Uncle Joe had been in and told him he thought you were foolish to sell. Well I don’t.
The heat has been so intense here the past eight days that I have almost had to drive my men at times. I feel awful sorry for them but I must keep my equipment up and I have a big job and I have to make good. Not only my life but several other peoples lives depend on my judgment.
Golly I forgot to mention that I also got another letter from Aunt Ella and I will answer it this week.
You should see me. I am getting as solid as a rock although I am not loosing much weight.
How are my letters reaching you? I hope in good time. Will we ever have a lot to talk about when we get together again.
Hear Bobby has already had to set in the corner. I’ll bet he is a live wire. Poor Anne she must have quite a time now.
Looks as if the Marines are going to have to do all the fighting in this war. I don’t quite see why we have an Army & Navy.
The bugs are about to eat me up in my command post this evening so I will close for this time. I hope this finds all of you in the best of health. Regards to all and thanks again for the box.
Love to all,
Lt. L.J. McLoskey