1 October 1942
Dear Folks & all:
Here it is the first day of October. I suppose the leaves are beginning to turn and that you have already had to burn a little coal in the furnace. How I wish I were with you.
Where I am one day is about the same as the next except we did have some action on and off for about two days. Probably in about two months you will hear or read about it. The outpost where I am located is one of the most important in the combat zone in the Pacific. As a whole we came out ok. I’ll tell you that war is surely no childs play and I’ll be plenty happy when it is all over and God returns us safely home to resume a normal life. Don’t mention anything as yet about our skirmish here.
Incidentally I also have a checking a/c at the National Bank. Eddie Munson will more than likely give you a receipt from now on of my deposits. We are only allowed so much currency here as it rots so fast. Funny but true the paper money rots in about three months time. At present I have deposited 140.00 last month and I sent another 150.00 the morning. I put it in the National because I don’t want all my eggs in one basket. As my a/c grows I will draw a check to repay you for all I have cost you. If anything should happen to me with what I have in the trust & savings plus the national and my insurance I believe it will take care of my debt to you. Never, will you ever be fully paid because you have always done so darn much for me. But, I’ll try my darndest.
Sorry to hear about Aunt Ella. I do hope she has a speedy recovery. I dropped her and Aunt Vera a line the other day but I will drop her another in the next few days.
Dad, you see Eddie Munson and he will give you my banking receipts. One thing the Marines have taught me among others is to save & save.
For Christmas I will just have to send you some money and you will have to buy your presents. I will have to do the same with all the rest.
Is it ever warm here today. My clothes look as if I have been in swimming.
Yes, I got the stamps and thanks a million. Haven’t got the second package as yet but it takes quite awhile as they send it second class. I’ll get it one of these days. Thanks for the other. Those mints are swell and I surely could use the shaving soap and all the rest.
Give my regards to everybody. What did you think of the pictures and of my gang of men?
How did Galbaugh ever jar loose with the money to call you long distance? Maybe he liked me more than I thought. How did he happen to find out I was hurt? Or rather burned?
I love and miss all of you. Hope all of you are well. This paper is so damp the ink blots.
Lt. L.J. McLoskey