7 October 42
Dear Folks & All:
What I wouldn’t give for some of that snow you have gotten already. Yesterday it was only 112 down here and the way it has started out again this morning it is going to be plenty warm. It seems as if the more it rains the hotter it gets. Although it hasn’t rained so much here lately and the water supply is getting to be quite a problem as we depend entirely on rainwater for our own cooking, drinking, bathing and etc. This morning I am boiling some salt water and adding iodine to it for my men to drink.
You can’t realize how much your letters mean to me. I always look forward to the mail. We get it about twice a month as a usual run and sometimes a little more often.
Dad, what about my application for an absent votes ballot? Do I have to apply to the Secretary of State? What is the news on it? Nobody on this rock knows.
Got a letter from Anne & Bobby. Would I ever like to see all of you. The way this thing looks now I believe it will last for at least four more years unless they let us Marines go ahead and finish the job once and for all.
Mother it looks as if you and Dad will have to buy your own Christmas presents this year. I will send you the money next month. You see we don’t have any stores on the island except the post exchange and they just have a few supplies such as razor blades, toothpaste, etc.
Glad you got the necklaces and I hope you like them. I thought they were quite attractive and those stones are very rare. Dad, I don’t guess you would care for one and I don’t know what I could make you.
Give all my regards to the family and friends. Let me know if you got the check for $6.97 I sent you and also the $25.00 check to put on my note at the 2nd Nat’l.
Hope this finds all of you feeling fine.
Love to all,
Lt. L.J. McLoskey
P.S. Dad, if you can find me a .45 shoulder holster I would like one bad as it would keep dry under my poncho.