10 October 42
Dear Folks & all:
Received a letter from you today mailed June 11, 1942. It was the one with the address in it of Loxley Eckles boy. You can tell him I was a little late in getting it and I am now a long way off from San Diego.
Hope you got the check for $25.00 ok. I will send some each month until it is paid off.
Here it is another Saturday evening but it doesn’t mean much to me. Just another evening.
Haven’t received your second package as yet but I will one of these days.
Today I got a Coleman kerosene lantern for my command post. Boy what a difference it makes from a kerosene lantern and candles. My dog is laying right beside me. By golly I’ll never be without a dog. Hope you got the pictures ok.
We are expecting to get hit any day. When they do they will get a warm reception of lead we are all set for them.
Am getting my bivouac for my men fixed up a little more each day. Got a shower built and here is the way we did it:
You see we catch the rain in the tubs, turn on the faucet and take a bath. Not so bad do you think? <see actual drawing in letter below>
I also got my men some horseshoes and a volley ball & net. I cleared a place in the jungle for the court and the horseshoes. It give them a little relaxation and God knows they need it. I have a great group of men and I am proud of all of them. The next time we go fishing and camping I’ll have some swell ideas for us.
Hope this finds all of you in the best of health. I am ok. I pray each evening that I will be returned safely to all of you.
Give all the family and friends my regards. I must now go out and inspect my camp & make sure it is safe and that my sentries are on their jobs.
The chewing tobacco you sent me is fine. I surely do enjoy it. Also, all the other things you sent me in the first package.
Good night and my God watch over all of you. I miss all of you.
Love to all,
Lt. L.J. McLoskey