14 October 42
Time 2230
Dear Folks:
Received your package today and thanks a million. I’ll not get sick on the cigars and tobacco. They both taste swell. The peppermint candy is also very good. Will save the peanuts for latter on.
Received a letter from Beaulah which I will try and answer soon.
Did the National Bank get my $150.00 gov’t check this month for deposit? I also sent them another $25.00. Some of the mail had to be dumped overboard due to something. Just hope my check wasn’t in it. I made out another allotment yesterday for $100.00 per month to the National Bank. It will start in December. I figure that is the best way because mail is easily lost in transent these days.
Am going to send Aunt Ella a check next month. I also will send you one for the 2nd Nat’l and one to buy Christmas presents for everybody.
Did you get the group pictures? Just wondered as you didn’t mention it.
As for my Christmas you have already done enough for me. The greatest gift I could have would be for this war to end and get back home to all of you.
Received a letter from Leota & Mary, your letters and some from Elizabeth and Robert. I’m telling you it is mail that keeps both me and my men going.
Paper is so damp the ink blots. Oh! Well I guess you can read it anyway.
Is it ever hot this evening. The sweat is rolling off me and the bugs are about to eat me up.
Oh! Yes I also got a letter from my old boss and the gang wishing me all the luck in the world.
Incidentally what is James X Galbaugh’s address? I’ll drop him a line.
Things have been a little quiet the past few days as a matter of fact to much so. Look for all hell to break lose any day now.
Guess you notice the Marines are the ones who have been doing all the fighting and paving the way for the Army & Navy. They surely do put the Marines in some awful places. But, we can take it and we will win the war.
Am going to build my men a swimming hole here in the jungle. Am doing all I can to make it comfortable for them.
My dog Radio is sitting right by my feet. Quite a dog. Everybody on the island envies me. It rides on the outside of my blitz buggy and on the hood of my jeep. Also a good watch dog. I love dogs.
Hope this finds all of you feeling fine and just remember I love & pray for all of you each day. Thanks again for the box.
Love to all,
Lt. L.J. McLoskey