4 November 1942
Dear folks & all:
At last we got some mail and I received four letters from you plus a raft of newspapers. Thanks a million.
Also, thanks for giving me the data on my deposits at the National Bank. Just write and tell them to me as you get them. I keep track in a book of mine and when you affirm them I check it off in the book.
I am enclosing a check for $10.00 for the 2nd National. I will send some each month and get that paid off.
You haven’t told me what you want for Christmas so I am going to send everybody money and you can get what you want. Will mail it later on in the month.
It is still about the same here. Plenty of work to do. Not much excitement lately but look out we expect it any day. Had my first trouble with one of my N.C.O.’s today. Had to reduce him from a Sgt to a Corp. At that I let him off easy. As a whole I have a fine group of men under my command but as I once told you I am going to have the best blitz buggy outfit in the Marine Corps and you must have discipline. Believe you must have discipline. Believe me the Marine Corps has taught me several good lessons.
Mother, I can’t tell you what we eat but I can tell you we get plenty of it and as I told you I am now mess officer in addition to my other duties so my men won’t go hungry. Will surely have plenty to tell you when I see all of you and that is the day I am fighting and living for.
Hope this finds all of you feeling fine. Write whenever you can as letters pep one up. You should have received the letter by now telling you that I received the 2nd package but in case it got lost I did and everything was swell.
Must get busy now on an ammunition report.
Love to all,
Lt. L.J. McLoskey