1 December 1942
Dear folks & all:
Here it is the first day of December and it looks as if your son will miss sharing another Christmas with all of you. Just remember I will be thinking and praying for all of you as I always do each day.
Received a letter from Elizabeth mailed Nov 17th in which she tells me she got the check I sent them for Christmas. Did you receive yours? Please let me know.
Well I got your package with the gum, mints and nuts in and thanks a million. I got Leota’s package with the cigarettes, gum, and the pictures. Bob oh boy! Did those pictures ever make me homesick but you people look swell and it was very thoughtful of Leota to send them. They surely were appreciated. I got the kids gifts the knife and the sewing kit and I needed both of them very bad. Elizabeths mother sent me towels, wash cloths, shaving cream, stationery, finger nail clipper, file and they were appreciated and needed. Oh! Yes she al so sent me some handkerchiefs. Mary sent me a large photo and a cigar lighter. Allan McCaslin sent me some cigars, chewing tobacco and a fruit cake. I open my packages as I get them and so do all the rest of the men. We all smile and say we better open them because we might be busy as all heck Christmas Day. But, the main reason as usual is curiosity.
Things are about the same here. I am ok. Plenty I could tell you but nothing I could write.
I will write to you as often as I can. Don’t worry about me as a Marine can always take care of themselves. Hope this finds all of you feeling ok.
Love to all,
Lt. L.J. McLoskey