25 December 42
Dear Folks & All:
Today was Christmas and I don’t mind telling all of you that I was plenty homesick and lonesome. This is the second year I have been away from all of you & I hope and pray that next year I will be back with all of you and way before Christmas.
Had a pretty good meal for my men. They had turkey, canned ham, a few nuts and cherry pie. I assure you that it wasn’t like me and my men would have had in our respective homes.
One nice thing I received mail today from you, Libby, Mary, Mrs. Dickson, Prof McClenahan, Mrs. Hayes, Leota and the Whitemans. It surely did make me feel good. One surely knows who there friends are at a time like this.
It looks to me as if the war will last until about 1945. I figure Germany will fall late in 1943 and Japan in late 44 or early 1945.
Believe me I really know what our forefathers went through and I assure you that the Marines will fight to the last man.
My dog hasn’t had her pups as yet. The way she looks it will be any day now.
Had my picture taken in the trench coat and if they turn out ok I should have them in a month or so.
The Colonel and two other officers ate with me and my men. They seemed to enjoy it and the Colonel and the surgeon gave me a box of cigars each which were surely appreciated.
Not much news except that I am ok and my men the same. Hope this finds all of you the same.
Good night I must now retire and try and get some sleep.
Love to all,
Lt. L.J. McLoskey