
November 1, 1942

1 November 1942

Dear Folks & All:

Here it is the first of November.  You no doubt are burning coal and shoveling snow.  Well I am just the opposite.  The sweat is rolling off of me.  We haven’t had quite as much rain lately and the water problem is beginning to be a little acute.  Well, we can always boil salt water and add some iodine to it.

Didn’t get my check today but I expect to get it tomorrow and I will in turn send you some to apply on the note at the 2nd National.  As yet I haven’t heard from you as to what the balance is but I’ll keep sending some every month.  As to the money I have on deposit at the Trust & Savings if you need any go ahead and draw it out.  I am also going to send Aunt Ella some money this month.

We haven’t had any mail in quite awhile but I know when we do I will have a letter from you.

Have been very busy getting the mess set up and straightened out but I believe I finally have got the bull by the horns.  The cooking mother still isn’t like it was at home.  Our food of course is nothing fancy and it all comes out of cans even our potatoes.  But, we get along ok.  You say my pictures look as if I haven’t lost any weight.  Well, I have.  I am just getting more solid.

The bugs are very bad this evening.  Am getting so they can crawl all over me and it doesn’t bother me.

Surely do miss all of you and I appreciate the pictures of Mary Alice.  How about some of the rest of you.  Send me all the snaps you have taken as they help out a great deal.

It is now ten pm and I had better retire as I have another heavy day ahead of me tomorrow.  They really are giving me the work but I don’t mind as it keeps your mind occupied.

Remember I think of all of you and that the Marines will whip the Axis powers.  I am ok just keep the chin up.

Love to all,


Lt. L.J. McLoskey


October 29, 1942

29 October 42

Dear folks & all:

Almost another month has gone and it seems as if we are not making a great deal of progress against the Axis powers.  The people of the United States had better wake up to the fact that we need more than the U.S.O. to win this war.  We need ammunition, airplanes, tanks, ships and more Marines.  It seems as if the Army and the U.S.O. are so busy entertaining each other that they forgot the Marines on the islands in the Pacific who are ready to give up their lives to defend our nation.

Life here is the same except we have had to boil salt water & put iodine in it for drinking purposes lately because we haven’t had any rain for over a week and the rainwater supply is a little low.

The bird on the top of the fellows head is called a Gooney bird.  They are called Gooney birds because of the way they fly.  They fly into anything—automobiles, airplanes, trees, and etc.

Am enclosing two snap shots I thought you might get a kick out of.  There is some writing on the back of them.

Your son has been assigned some more duties that being mess officer of an enlisted mens mess.  I can’t tell you how many but it is quite a few.  Believe me I have made some changes in the galley.  It is a great deal cleaner and no food is being wasted.  Mother I am glad that Dad and you made Robert and I be so clean and also the rest of the good habits you taught us come in very handy in ones later years of life.  Now that I am mess officer I expect I will drink at least 8 to 10 cups of coffee a day.  You know Mother I have to sample the cooking.

Hope that this finds all of you feeling fine and remember I miss all of you so write often.

Also, thanks for the stamps you enclose in your letters.  I got my Veterans card ok.

Dad, how does the gasoline rationing effect you?  

Love to all,


Lt. L.J. McLoskey

P.S.  Dad I met a Mr. Potter who is a C.B. in the Navy – he was the man who paved East Broadway – he is from Jacksonville Ill.  He said to say hello to you and Chris Merrillat.  He is the head of a C.B. or Construction Battalion.


October 21, 1942

21 October  42

Dear folks:

Had a scare for about two hours last evening.  Thank God it is all calm again this evening.  I was writing Leota a letter and had to cut it short.  Had planned on dropping you a line also.  But, the apparent attempt of some yellow skinned callers stopped it.  Notice I said attempt.  We are set for them and how.

I dropped Beaulah and Sam a letter to the one they had sent me.

In the picture, notice the mustache which I have since shaved off.  To much trouble keeping it trimmed.

Am now enjoying one of the smokes you sent me and last evening I really enjoyed the chewing tobacco.  Sort of soothes ones nerves.

You think the Marines have been doing things lately.  Just wait until the next month or so and see what they do.

Now much I can write except I am ok and hope this finds all of you feeling the same.

Did my check & cash arrive ok at the bank?  I also sent a $39.00 check the other day.

It is still the same old grind—day in & day out—night after night—golly if I ever hit a good bed I’ll probably never get up.

Tell all the family and friends hello for me and write often.

Love to all,


Lt. L.J. McLoskey


October 14, 1942

14 October 42

Time 2230

Dear Folks:

Received your package today and thanks a million.  I’ll not get sick on the cigars and tobacco.  They both taste swell.  The peppermint candy is also very good.  Will save the peanuts for latter on.

Received a letter from Beaulah which I will try and answer soon.

Did the National Bank get my $150.00 gov’t check this month for deposit?  I also sent them another $25.00.  Some of the mail had to be dumped overboard due to something.  Just hope my check wasn’t in it.  I made out another allotment yesterday for $100.00 per month to the National Bank.  It will start in December.  I figure that is the best way because mail is easily lost in transent these days.

Am going to send Aunt Ella a check next month.  I also will send you one for the 2nd Nat’l and one to buy Christmas presents for everybody.

Did you get the group pictures?  Just wondered as you didn’t mention it.

As for my Christmas you have already done enough for me.  The greatest gift I could have would be for this war to end and get back home to all of you.

Received a letter from Leota & Mary, your letters and some from Elizabeth and Robert.  I’m telling you it is mail that keeps both me and my men going.  

Paper is so damp the ink blots.  Oh!  Well I guess you can read it anyway.

Is it ever hot this evening.  The sweat is rolling off me and the bugs are about to eat me up.

Oh! Yes I also got a letter from my old boss and the gang wishing me all the luck in the world.

Incidentally what is James X Galbaugh’s address?  I’ll drop him a line.

Things have been a little quiet the past few days as a matter of fact to much so.  Look for all hell to break lose any day now.

Guess you notice the Marines are the ones who have been doing all the fighting and paving the way for the Army & Navy.  They surely do put the Marines in some awful places.  But, we can take it and we will win the war.

Am going to build my men a swimming hole here in the jungle.  Am doing all I can to make it comfortable for them.

My dog Radio is sitting right by my feet.  Quite a dog.  Everybody on the island envies me.  It rides on the outside of my blitz buggy and on the hood of my jeep.  Also a good watch dog.  I love dogs.

Hope this finds all of you feeling fine and just remember I love & pray for all of you each day.  Thanks again for the box.

Love to all,


Lt. L.J. McLoskey


October 10, 1942

10 October 42

Dear Folks & all:

Received a letter from you today mailed June 11, 1942.  It was the one with the address in it of Loxley Eckles boy.  You can tell him I was a little late in getting it and I am now a long way off from San Diego.

Hope you got the check for $25.00 ok.  I will send some each month until it is paid off.

Here it is another Saturday evening but it doesn’t mean much to me.  Just another evening.

Haven’t received your second package as yet but I will one of these days.

Today I got a Coleman kerosene lantern for my command post.  Boy what a difference it makes from a kerosene lantern and candles.  My dog is laying right beside me.  By golly I’ll never be without a dog.  Hope you got the pictures ok.

We are expecting to get hit any day.  When they do they will get a warm reception of lead we are all set for them.

Am getting my bivouac  for my men fixed up a little more each day.  Got a shower built and here is the way we did it:

You see we catch the rain in the tubs, turn on the faucet and take a bath.  Not so bad do you think? <see actual drawing in letter below>

I also got my men some horseshoes and a volley ball & net.  I cleared a place in the jungle for the court and the horseshoes.  It give them a little relaxation and God knows they need it.  I have a great group of men and I am proud of all of them.  The next time we go fishing and camping I’ll have some swell ideas for us.

Hope this finds all of you in the best of health.  I am ok.  I pray each evening that I will be returned safely to all of you.

Give all the family and friends my regards.  I must now go out and inspect my camp & make sure it is safe and that my sentries are on their jobs.

The chewing tobacco you sent me is fine.  I surely do enjoy it.  Also, all the other things you sent me in the first package.

Good night and my God watch over all of you.  I miss all of you.

Love to all,


Lt. L.J. McLoskey


October 7, 1942

7 October 42

Dear Folks & All:

What I wouldn’t give for some of that snow you have gotten already.  Yesterday it was only 112 down here and the way it has started out again this morning it is going to be plenty warm.  It seems as if the more it rains the hotter it gets.  Although it hasn’t rained so much here lately and the water supply is getting to be quite a problem as we depend entirely on rainwater for our own cooking, drinking, bathing and etc.  This morning I am boiling some salt water and adding iodine to it for my men to drink.

You can’t realize how much your letters mean to me.  I always look forward to the mail.  We get it about twice a month as a usual run and sometimes a little more often.

Dad, what about my application for an absent votes ballot?  Do I have to apply to the Secretary of State?  What is the news on it?  Nobody on this rock knows.

Got a letter from Anne & Bobby.  Would I ever like to see all of you.  The way this thing looks now I believe it will last for at least four more years unless they let us Marines go ahead and finish the job once and for all.

Mother it looks as if you and Dad will have to buy your own Christmas presents this year.  I will send you the money next month.  You see we don’t have any stores on the island except the post exchange and they just have a few supplies such as razor blades, toothpaste, etc.

Glad you got the necklaces and I hope you like them.  I thought they were quite attractive and those stones are very rare.  Dad, I don’t guess you would care for one and I don’t know what I could make you.

Give all my regards to the family and friends.  Let me know if you got the check for $6.97 I sent you and also the $25.00 check to put on my note at the 2nd Nat’l.

Hope this finds all of you feeling fine.

Love to all,


Lt. L.J. McLoskey

P.S. Dad, if you can find me a .45 shoulder holster I would like one bad as it would keep dry under my poncho.


October 4, 1942

4 October 42

Dear Folks & all:

Enclosed herewith please find a check for $25.00.  Dad, I would appreciate it if you would cash it and pay $25.00 on my note at the 2nd Nat’l and let me know what the balance is at the 2nd Nat’l after they have taken out the interest.  I will send you a check each month until it is paid.  I don’t want to touch the money in the Trust I& Savings unless you and mother need it then draw it out anytime.

At first I thought I would have Elizabeth handle my a/c at the National Bank but Dad since you are in the bank almost every day you can pick up my deposit tickets at the end of each month.  Eddie Munson will give them to you.  I am anxious to get the note at the Second paid off.

Mother I think you did quite well on the price you got on the house in L.A.

So I have been spelling San Francisco wrong.  Well, it is a wonder I haven’t spelled more wrong but thanks.  I’ll try and not let it happen again.

I am ok and I know that God is with me and my men.  Hope this finds all of you feeling fine.

Thanks Dad for taking care of that matter for me and you can expect a check each month to pay it off.  Let me know the balance after deducting the interest.

Did you get the pictures ok?  Haven’t got your second box yet but I will someday.  Just now I got 2 letters from you, 2 from Elizabeth and one from Allan McCaslin.

Love to all,


Lt. L.J. McLoskey


October 1, 1942

1 October 1942

Dear Folks & all:

Here it is the first day of October.  I suppose the leaves are beginning to turn and that you have already had to burn a little coal in the furnace.  How I wish I were with you.

Where I am one day is about the same as the next except we did have some action on and off for about two days.  Probably in about two months you will hear or read about it.  The outpost where I am located is one of the most important in the combat zone in the Pacific.  As a whole we came out ok.  I’ll tell you that war is surely no childs play and I’ll be plenty happy when it is all over and God returns us safely home to resume a normal life.  Don’t mention anything as yet about our skirmish here.

Incidentally I also have a checking a/c at the National Bank.  Eddie Munson will more than likely give you a receipt from now on of my deposits.  We are only allowed so much currency here as it rots so fast.  Funny but true the paper money rots in about three months time.  At present I have deposited 140.00 last month and I sent another 150.00 the morning.  I put it in the National because I don’t want all my eggs in one basket.  As my a/c grows I will draw a check to repay you for all I have cost you.  If anything should happen to me with what I have in the trust & savings plus the national and my insurance I believe it will take care of my debt to you.  Never, will you ever be fully paid because you have always done so darn much for me.  But, I’ll try my darndest.

Sorry to hear about Aunt Ella.  I do hope she has a speedy recovery.  I dropped her and Aunt Vera a line the other day but I will drop her another in the next few days.

Dad, you see Eddie Munson and he will give you my banking receipts.  One thing the Marines have taught me among others is to save & save.

For Christmas I will just have to send you some money and you will have to buy your presents.  I will have to do the same with all the rest.

Is it ever warm here today.  My clothes look as if I have been in swimming.

Yes, I got the stamps and thanks a million.  Haven’t got the second package as yet but it takes quite awhile as they send it second class.  I’ll get it one of these days.  Thanks for the other. Those mints are swell and I surely could use the shaving soap and all the rest.

Give my regards to everybody.  What did you think of the pictures and of my gang of men?

How did Galbaugh ever jar loose with the money to call you long distance?  Maybe he liked me more than I thought.  How did he happen to find out I was hurt? Or rather burned?

I love and miss all of you.  Hope all of you are well.  This paper is so damp the ink blots.



Lt. L.J. McLoskey


September 29, 1942

29 September 42

Dear Folks”

Enclosed, find a check for 6.97 it was for some meals I had to pay for way back and I finally got reimbursed.  Dad, you and mother take it and go out and have dinner and take in a show.  I only wish I could be with you.  Look at the check close and perhaps you can find out where I am located.

Am also enclosing two pictures one of a group of us and one that they snapped of me one day at the battalion office and I didn’t know they were taking it.  I will send you a large one of the five of us also when I can get it wrapped properly.

Must hurry now as I have to get a lot of work done.  I feel ok.

Love to all,


Lt. L.J. McLoskey


September 22, 1942

22 September 42

Dear Folks & All:

Today I received your package and thanks a million.  It was like receiving a million dollars.  I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it.  Although Marines are supposed to be a tough group of men and are it brought tears to my eyes just to feel the package and to know you had touched them.  Mother, I won’t chew when I get back home.

I also got your letters, a letter from Elizabeth, one from Leota and one from Mary.  Your letters that is the one from Mary and one from you was postmarked the early part of June.

Personally, I think you are wise in selling the property in Los Angeles and I think you got a good price.  Oh! Yes I also got a letter from Bob Whiteman.  He told me Uncle Joe had been in and told him he thought you were foolish to sell.  Well I don’t.

The heat has been so intense here the past eight days that I have almost had to drive my men at times.  I feel awful sorry for them but I must keep my equipment up and I have a big job and I have to make good.  Not only my life but several other peoples lives depend on my judgment.

Golly I forgot to mention that I also got another letter from Aunt Ella and I will answer it this week.

You should see me.  I am getting as solid as a rock although I am not loosing much weight.

How are my letters reaching you?  I hope in good time.  Will we ever have a lot to talk about when we get together again.

Hear Bobby has already had to set in the corner.  I’ll bet he is a live wire.  Poor Anne she must have quite a time now.

Looks as if the Marines are going to have to do all the fighting in this war.  I don’t quite see why we have an Army & Navy.

The bugs are about to eat me up in my command post this evening so I will close for this time.  I hope this finds all of you in the best of health.  Regards to all and thanks again for the box.

Love to all,


Lt. L.J. McLoskey