1 November 1942
Dear Folks & All:
Here it is the first of November. You no doubt are burning coal and shoveling snow. Well I am just the opposite. The sweat is rolling off of me. We haven’t had quite as much rain lately and the water problem is beginning to be a little acute. Well, we can always boil salt water and add some iodine to it.
Didn’t get my check today but I expect to get it tomorrow and I will in turn send you some to apply on the note at the 2nd National. As yet I haven’t heard from you as to what the balance is but I’ll keep sending some every month. As to the money I have on deposit at the Trust & Savings if you need any go ahead and draw it out. I am also going to send Aunt Ella some money this month.
We haven’t had any mail in quite awhile but I know when we do I will have a letter from you.
Have been very busy getting the mess set up and straightened out but I believe I finally have got the bull by the horns. The cooking mother still isn’t like it was at home. Our food of course is nothing fancy and it all comes out of cans even our potatoes. But, we get along ok. You say my pictures look as if I haven’t lost any weight. Well, I have. I am just getting more solid.
The bugs are very bad this evening. Am getting so they can crawl all over me and it doesn’t bother me.
Surely do miss all of you and I appreciate the pictures of Mary Alice. How about some of the rest of you. Send me all the snaps you have taken as they help out a great deal.
It is now ten pm and I had better retire as I have another heavy day ahead of me tomorrow. They really are giving me the work but I don’t mind as it keeps your mind occupied.
Remember I think of all of you and that the Marines will whip the Axis powers. I am ok just keep the chin up.
Love to all,
Lt. L.J. McLoskey