27 Dec 1943
Dear Folks:
Well Christmas has come and gone again. It surely didn’t seem like it to me. I had field rations that day so you can guess where I was.
They still are piling plenty of work on me. As I have said before though I don’t mind it as it keeps me plenty busy. Although I will say I am still having a hard time getting enough rest.
It has rained all day today and we are still having a few drops yet this evening.
Received a letter from you this evening that was dated the 20th of December so that isn’t so bad. It came through in good time. Seems as if you and mother still manage to keep plenty busy. I also got a letter from Elizabeth that was postmarked the 19th. I hope and pray that Robert doesn’t have to go and leave his family. Those children are just at the age when they need him and need him bad.
Tell Aunt Mabel that I got her card and letter and that I will try and answer one of these days. Tell her that I appreciated it.
Am sorry to hear that Aunt Vera hasn’t been so well. I know it must be quite a strain on all of you.
Mother, surely before next year is over they will let me return to the states for at least twenty day leave.
Don’t worry as I am ok and my God bless all of you.
All my love,
Your son, Leo
1st Lt. L.J. McLoskey
Notice new address:
1st Defense Battalion FMF
Fifth Amphibious Corps
c/o Fleet P.O.
San Francisco, Calif