2 January 43
Dear Folks & all:
I am enclosing some snap shots of which I will be able to tell you plenty about when I return. Watch them carefully as I won’t be able to get anymore. I really think they are swell.
Well, New Years was just another day here and I might add that it also was a very lonely one for me and the men. Perhaps, next year we can all be with the ones we love. At least I hope so.
I am going to register this letter as I want to be sure that the pictures get to you.
Hope all of you had a swell Christmas and I know you would with the children. Believe me I surely do miss them and all of you.
My dog is getting along fine. She saved ten of her thirteen pups and they are all full of the old nick.
I see I started this letter on the wrong side. Hope you will pardon me. I have so darn much on my mind lately that at times I wonder how I get anything accomplished.
It surely has been hot and rainy here lately. I am convinced that these places were never meant to be inhabitated by a white man. Until we disarm the Axis they will have to be.
Dad how much gas are you allowed per week? How about tires, food and etc.?
So far I haven’t seen anybody that I know. Seems rather funny.
What a day it will be when I again can set down to a table with really home cooked food, a table cloth, people to talk with and then a nice comfortable chair to sit in and a nice easy bed to sleep in. That will be the day.
I must start to figure out my income tax before long. The 5% victory tax deducted from salaries we won’t have to pay. I think it is fair because Lord knows we go through enough for victory even to the sacrificing of our lives.
Lately I have had trouble sleeping when I have had the opportunity. I believe it is the climate. Also, I have lost 15 lbs in the last month—heave knows that won’t hurt me any.
Did I tell you that my platoon bought me a Marine Corps ring for Christmas with a small diamond in it. Heaven knows where they got it but they did. It surely did made me feel swell. I do have a grand group of men and I am proud of all of them, they have showed their colors and showed them well.
Received also a cablegram from my ex boss and gang for Christmas. Just got it today. Although, it was a little late it surely did make me feel good. I’m telling you that mail and hearing from home is what keeps all of us going.
I must close as I have a great deal of work to do. Don’t forget I love and miss all of you.
Love to all,
Lt. L.J. McLoskey