9 January 43
Dear Folks:
Enclosed please find another fifteen dollars for the 2nd Nat’l. I wrote the check out yesterday but I have been so busy since then that I just now have found time to mail it and it now is 7:10 pm. I suppose you are all in bed and fast asleep back home.
Got a letter from Hazel Sorenson Efaw and one from Mary today and I surely was glad to hear from both of them. Sort of looked for mail from some of you. Oh! Well I can expect it the next time we have mail call.
Not much news since I last wrote to you. All I can say is that I am ok and most of my men are the same.
My dog and the pups are getting along just fine. We have ten of them romping around under our feet from early morn to late at night.
Believe it or not I am so tired I am going to bed until 11 pm when I must get up and make an inspection. Hope this finds you ok.
All my love,
Lt. L.J. McLoskey
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