12 January 1943
Dear Folks & All:
Well today I received three letters from you. They were dated Nov 19, 26 and Jan 3, 1943. It’s hard to judge the mail situation where I am located. It is rather spasmodic. For awhile the letters run in sequence and then they get all mixed up. Well I don’t care how mixed they get as long as I receive them.
I know that I wrote Leota thanking her but many things happen on the ocean so I am going to drop her a line again this evening after I write to you.
Oh: yes I also got a letter from Robert. I thought he had forgotten his brother. It was the first in over a month. But, I know he is busy and he tells me he hasn’t been feeling so well.
Don’t worry about me as I am feeling fine and in your prayers ask God that I may have the courage to carry out my duties as I have had thus far. It really is a painstaking job I have but I know that God is with me and my men.
Hope that you get the other pictures I sent to you ok. They are very good and depict our life very well.
My dog and her ten pups are coming along fine and they really are swell pups. But, of course my men and all the rest on the atoll are spoiling them.
I sent you a letter making the bank account a joint bank account. If you don’t get it let me know and I will send you another one.
Thanks for the stamps you sent me. I can always use them.
Wish I could have been with you when Myrtle, Roberts, and Mrs. Dickson were over.
Not much news but a line to say hello and to tell you how grand I think you are to write to me as often as you do.
Must close now and get a few hours sleep. Hope the cocanut fleas and other insects are not as bad as they were last evening. I still can’t sleep under a mosquito net as I am always getting tangled up in it.
Love to all,
Lt. L.J. McLoskey