Dear Folks & All:
I surely do hope that Robert is well on his way to recovery when you receive this. Have been worried a great deal lately about him and all of you.
Don’t worry about me as I am getting along just fine. Have gotten rested up some and my class work is very interesting. I surely do love motors and guns and am learning a lot.
It is hard for me to realize that you are having sub zero weather and I am running around in just my khaki and dungarees.
Maybe my hopes are awful high but I might be able to get back to the U.S.A. in late of 43 or early of 44.
Here is one man that will be plenty happy when this mess is over. I still don’t think it will end as soon as most people believe that it will. However, it is really hard for anybody to judge.
Dad, I am sure that you will be reelected as you have served the public and served them well.
As regards the newspapers just send me clippings in the letters that you know I will be interested in.
You haven’t mentioned anything about me being promoted to 1st Lt. Or of receiving the beads and shells.
I’ll write you as often as I can.
Will be leaving here in about six more days
All my love,
1st Lt. L.J. McLoskey