3 May 43
Dear folks & all:
It has been quite a spell since I last heard from you. I trust that all of you are in the best of health. The past two arrivals of mail on the island me and my men haven’t done so well. I expect it is piling up someplace along the line and that we will receive it all at once one of these days.
Dad I am enclosing a ten dollar check for the second national bank.
Mother, I am enclosing a five dollar check for you for mothers day. I wish I could be home with you and I also wish that I was where I could get you something but that is impossible. I do hope you have a very pleasant mothers day and I want you to know that I love you and miss you a great deal.
It is the training that both you and dad gave me that has made me advance as far as I have and it is the training that thousands of men have had in our armed service from their parents that keep us going in times like these.
You know with men going on strike in the U.S.A. it makes us men out in the combat zones wonder. I know that I would like to be able to turn my men loose on them. Who do they think they are anyway? Time will tell.
This heat is teriffic. It almost makes one sick all the time. Heaven only knows where we will go next. I hope and pray that this bloody affair will soon end.
My dog and pups are getting along fine. King is the most independent dog I have ever seen in my life. You call him and he just sets and looks at you.
Don’t forget I am thinking of all of you all the time.
All my love,
1st Lt. L.J. McLoskey