Dear folks & all:
Today is Sunday evening. My how I can recall the Sunday evening we used to spend with each other. I sincerely hope and pray that those evenings are not to far removed.
Friday morning of this week my men and I held church service. We have a new chaplain and he is going to hold it every Friday morning for us. He is a very young man but gives very good sermons. My men and I are going to build him an altar to use. Now we either have it in the recreation hut we just finished or outdoors under the coconut trees. I enjoy it outdoors with just natures and Gods surroundings.
It has been quite a spell since I have heard from you. Expect they will all come at once.
I took out $5000.00 more of Life Insurance which is payable to you. It becomes effective the first day of June.
It will soon be almost a year since my men and I sailed from the mainland. Might add all of us are anxious to return.
Received a letter from the Aunts and the kids the other day. They mentioned about the flowers. I am glad all of you enjoyed them.
Leota mentioned in a letter about you having a great deal of rain. Now, perhaps you understand what I mean when I say we get it. The heat and rain are still pretty bad here. When the sun is out one has to wear dark glasses all the time.
I am afraid that my dog Radio is going to have some more pups. Guess I’ll have to have the surgeon perform an operation on her for me if he will.
Hear the house looks very, very good. Believe me you folks surely do have a nice place and I am proud of you because you have worked for everything you have.
I am feeling fine and my men are all ok. Don’t forget to write to me as often as you have time.
All my love,
1st Lt. L.J. McLoskey