19 June 1943
Dear Folks:
If it is as hot in Monmouth as it is here you will need an ice box to cool yourself off with.
As tomorrow is fathers day I am enclosing a five dollar bill dad and it is for you as it is impossible for me to get you a gift here. Hope you have a pleasant day and I am sorry that I cannot be with you.
It looks to me as if we are now starting to close in on the axis and it should be over within the next two years.
The last few days I have really had the trots and what I mean the running trots.
You should have the magazine by now. Be sure and let me know when you receive it.
What did you think of me loosing my cuspidor? My men built me another one out of a huge shell and presented it to me. Believe me I have one swell group of men.
We have a new chaplain and he held service for us yesterday. He is a young man and is going to be ok. You know we leathernecks call the chaplains and Padres “Holy Joe.” Every person in the corps has a nickname.
Received a letter from Beaulah the other day. Tell her I will answer it as soon as I find a little time. They still have me on the go all the time.
Thanks for the stamps and also for giving me the data on the 2nd Nat’l. Also, thanks for the newspaper clippings. Dad, you are getting to be quite the lecturer.
Mother I am glad that you still have the spirit to have clubs and go to clubs that is what keeps you and dad so young looking.
Isn’t Roberts birthday some time this month, or is it July? Let me know. You never did send me Ada’s and Homer’s address.
Hope that this finds all of you feeling fine and write to me as often as you can as I am always glad to hear from you. I must close now and get my nose stuck into some technical manuals.
All my love,
Lt. L.J. McLoskey