July 17, 1943
Dear Anne & family:
Anne I received your letter and I thought the envelope and the stationery were very cute. I am looking forward to receiving another letter soon.
I’ll bet that you and Bobby had a big time at Granny’s. Am also glad that you were able to have such a nice fourth of July.
Tell your mother and daddy that I have received letters postmarked 29 June, 6 July and 6 July from them. And what do you think. I got an RCA Radiogram from Aunt Mary on the 15th of July wishing me a Happy Christmas and new year. I think the company was a little late in delivering it don’t you?
Elizabeth those meals you are putting out surely does make my mouth water and don’t you think I am not counting on setting my large feet under your table when I return to some of your good chow.
Yes Robert it will soon be two years since I have seen you and your family and don’t be surprised if it is two more before I get to return. If only I could talk to all of you and let you know some of the things that are happening and of course which you know I cannot write due to censorship regulations. As to my making Captain the Marine Corps doesn’t promote as fast as the Army and I think I have been going up pretty rapid for the first two years anyway. I’ll let you in on a secret my ambition is to make Captain and brother I honestly believe that once I set my mind on doing something that hell and high water can’t stop me. Also, I will tell you I would rather be a Sgt in the Marine Corps than a Cap’t in the Army. As to my prophecy as to the unlikely prospects of me not returning for a couple of years it seems they like to get you indoctrinated to the tropics and then keep you for awhile.
I sent mother a fan you can read the letter look at the map and I believe you will be able to tell where I got it. When I tell you of that trip – well it was living in another world for a day as a matter of fact I have lived in several of them the past 14 months.
They can end this affair any day now and I imagine that the Axis powers are getting well fed up with it all.
Am feeling ok and my eyes are much better. Funny all I sweat I still continue to be a little on the heavy side.
Hope this finds all of you well and write often.
All my love,
1st Lt. L.J. McLoskey