4 August 43
Dear folks & all:
Received your letter postmarked 24 July 43 this am. I can’t understand why you haven’t been receiving any mail from me. Last month I wrote to you on the following dates 7/1, 7/8, 7/15, 7/19, 7/21 or a total of five letters. Please let me know if you get them.
Am enclosing another $15.00 check for the bank. Will have that all cleared up by the end of October thank heavens.
Wow: it is so damn hot here today the ½ of my men are sacked out. It is terrific.
Merillat must have had quite a fire. It surely must be hard for him to get equipment these days.
Yep. I sure will be glad when this is all over and I know there are thousands that feel the same as I do.
Am glad Aunt Ella enjoys the shells. I will try and send her some more. It keeps me so dern busy though with my job I should say jobs that I hardly have time for anything else.
Radio as yet hasn’t had her next family. She surely doesn’t feel very good on these awful hot days. By awful hot I mean 120 degrees in the shade.
We are getting dug in more and better situated every day but it seems as if we never get caught up with our work. Always something bobbing up.
Am glad you had a good time up to Sams & Beaulahs. My that is pretty late hours isn’t it?
I’ll write you twice a week this month and see if the letters arrive any faster. When you don’t get mail for awhile remember that the allies are doing o.k. and – well I’ll tell you all about it when I return.
Am feeling o.k. hope this finds all of you the same. Incidentally, have been out of chewing tobacco for over a month and none on the island. If you
can send me a couple lbs of Masterpiece.
All my love,
1st Lt. L.J. McLoskey