Dear Folks:
Rain and more rain that is all we have had the past week. I guess we should thank God though that we do.
As yet you haven’t told me what you expect to do about the farm. Or maybe you have and the letter hasn’t arrived as yet.
Suppose that Anne & Bobby are getting ready to go back to school. Believe me I surely do miss those children and all of you. The way things now look it probably will be another year or so before I return if then.
No pups from Radio yet and the men surely are worried. She probably will have them about three in the morning like she did before.
Not much news. The war in Europe is looking better every day but it will still take time.
By the looks of the last snap shot of Robert he is also loosing his hair. He looks as if he doesn’t have as much now as I do. Well maybe as much.
You know just about all my old gang are gone. I now have almost an entirely new group and it surely is a great deal of work.
I am ok and so are all the men. Hope this finds you the same.
All my love,
Your son, Leo
1st Lt. L.J. McLoskey