22 August 1943
Dear Folks:
Received a letter from you yesterday. As to the farm I don’t believe that you would be making a mistake in purchasing it. Property is always tangible and heaven only knows what will happen when all the smoke has cleared from this conflict. Dad, I think you and mother have done wonderful. Everybody makes mistakes in life. It is from the mistakes we make that we learn.
Mother, if I were killed tomorrow or even yet today I am ready to meet my maker and I am not afraid to die.
As to the officers habits, yes, some of them do drink to much. But the service is the same as life. In the service they only get away with it for so long a time and then they are given a general court martial which is the greatest mistake and horror any man can ever receive. On this atoll all they have is beer and all any man is allowed is two beers per day officers and enlisted men alike. It is generally served with the noon and evening meal and it is advised by the doctors to be drank on account of the teriffic heat in the tropics. Mother, you need not worry about your son but it makes me happy that you do because I know you are very fond of me.
Again as to the picture of me and that dark skinned gal. You will get a bang out of the story when I see you. She is from the Marshall & Gilbert Islands and is known as Gilbertese. They are owned by the Japanese and it was taken on W island.
Today is Sunday but it seems like any other day to me. Except that I mark the days off on the calendar as they go bye.
Surely was a blow to the Ryan family about their son Jack. He surely could not have been paid a higher tribute by his commanding officer.
If other people I mean the people that are going on strikes had to change places with us for even a month they would soon be willing to work and work hard. We need all the supplies we can possibly get.
Received a letter from Anne which I will try and answer some time this week. Tell her I received it.
I am feeling ok and my men are all ok. Hope this finds all of you in the best of health.
No other news as to what I told you about in the previous letter.
All my love,
Your son, Leo
1st Lt. L.J. McLoskey