2 Sept 43
Dear Folks:
Received your letter dated 23 August yesterday.
I am enclosing a fifteen dollar money order to be applied to the balance at the 2nd National. Next month I should clear that up.
Mother you surely did have the correct hunch but as I say they cancelled it at the last moment but I expect it any time.
Received a nice letter from Mr. Scott at the Trust & Savings with the cashiers check. I wanted to let you know that I had received it.
My goodness they evidently sent that photograph of Luker and I all over the States. If you happen to have an extra picture I would like it to give to Luker. He is my blitz buggy driver.
The war news continues to sound better. Wow! Would I be happy if it ended today. This job of training men to kill and hate sort of goes against my grain at times. Especially, when some of the former men I had under me have been killed in action. You wonder if you gave them all the training that you possibly could have.
Dad, as yet I haven’t received the packages but I know I will before long. It just takes time. The mail service has been much better though lately.
I suppose the children are getting ready for school. Bobby should be getting his emblems before long. He surely is the apple of his Uncles eye.
When I do leave I intend to take Radio with me. She surely has been a wonderful companion to me. I throw cocanuts in the water and she retrieves them to me.
Mother is it swell that you can help dad at the office.
Not a great deal of news but a few paragraphs to let you know that I am ok.
All my love,
1st Lt. L.J. McLoskey