4 Sept 43
Dear Folks:
Dad, your package with the cigars and candy arrived yesterday. Thanks a great deal. Everything in it was swell.
Mother, I see your birthday is 24 September so I am enclosing a five dollar money order for you. It looks as if I won’t be able to get up to the H_______ before your birthday so I wanted you to get yourself something. I want to wish you a very happy birthday and I am sorry that I can’t be with you. Maybe next year I will be able to. The money order is just some blanks we have.
I am feeling ok and most of my men are the same. They took some pictures at our church service yesterday. Hope they turn out ok. I’ll be sure to send you some. It will take I imagine about six weeks. If I happen to leave the chaplain said he would forward me some.
I suppose the children are about ready to return to school. Leota told me Anne had the mumps. They surely do have a time.
Not much news but wanted to tell you I got the package and mother I wanted to send you the money order.
Hope this finds all of you fine.
All my love,
Your son, Leo
1st Lt. L.J. McLoskey