16 September 1943
Dear Folks:
I received the chewing tobacco and thanks. Does that Masterpiece ever taste good. Mother, I will not chew when I come home but it does taste very good to me now. Will tell you all about it someday.
Mailed you some pictures today. Hope you like them. Am trying to have a larger one made for you and if I do I’ll be sure to send it to you. I also mailed Bobby, Anne and Leota one.
Got a letter from Anne and Elizabeth today. Was glad that Bobby got the Marine Insignias. Libby told me he surely was proud of them. Anne told me she got her handkerchiefs. Hear you had quite a time getting some in for Bobby. Was I glad he got that insignia ok.
Elizabeth was telling me that Robert might be called. I surely can’t understand what our gov’t is thinking about. I hope and pray he will never have to leave his family and you.
Not much news – it’s raining again and how. Wish I could tell you more about what is going on. Someday I’ll be able to.
Oh! Yes I am sending home a trophy my gang won. It is mounted with something. All you have to do is take a soft cloth and take the finger prints off them. Mother you don’t have to clean and polish them.
Dad, I am smoking one of your cigars and I surely do want to thank you for them and the chewing. You folks surely have been swell to me and I only hope I can repay you.
I am feeling ok and so are my men. Hope this finds all of you in the best of health. Drop me a line whenever you have time and until I hear or write to you again may God Bless You.
All my love,
Your son, Leo
1st Lt. L.J. McLoskey
Mother, again “Happy Birthday.” I only wish I could be with you.