Dear Folks:
I hope you will forgive the delay of not writing to you for about a week but we all have been so darn busy I don’t know whether I am coming or going. As I told you previously about the sleep, well I am still only averaging about four hours per night.
Surely do with I could tell you what is going on. But, as usual I can’t.
I am wondering if you ever got the picture and the package I mailed to you with the volley ball cup and the shells mounted on the base. One of my Sgt’s made a lamp out of a shell the other day which I probably not probably but will send to Bobby as soon as I can get around to it. Don’t say anything to him as heaven only knows when I will be able to get it mailed.
Guess what I had last evening – corn on the cob. My Sgt in my crew’s mother sent him six ears that she had canned. He and I cooked them in an old tin can and did they ever taste good. I must drop his mother a letter and thank her.
We haven’t received any mail in quite a spell but I guess it will catch up with us some day.
I am feeling ok and hope that this finds you the same. Until I can write again may God bless you.
All my love,
Your son, Leo
1st Lt. L.J. McLoskey