Dear Folks & all:
It has been quite a spell since I have been able to write to you. We just returned today from some landing operations and I had quite a stack of mail.
It was indeed quite a shock to me about Dr. Dan’s death. I know how all of you must feel and I also know what he meant to the family. I as well as all of you am not quite able to understand why such things as that happen but we must feel that God knows best. I will write Geneva tomorrow.
Dad you ask me what motor Transport officer’s job was. Well you are responsible for all the rolling stock in the battalion such as tractors, bull dozers, jeeps, trucks, cranes and etc. It is my job to see that they are properly maintenanced and used. It is quite a job in addition to my other duties. I do believe however I will be relieved when they can find a suitable relief.
Here it is the first of December. Did you ever get the last packages I mailed you. I got the cigars, chewing tobacco and your letters and Christmas card when I returned today.
Now don’t worry about me as I am getting along ok. We are liable to leave anytime. Just remember that I love all of you and I will write to you just as often as I can. My men are all just fine and we get along swell.
If only we could have a nice visit with each other. I have so many things we could talk to each other about. Well, the way things are going now it shouldn’t take too many months before we have the Japs licked.
Hope this finds all of you in the best of health. Until I may write you again may God Bless all of you.
All my love,
Your son, Leo
1st Lt. L.J. McLoskey