Dear Folks & all:
As I don’t have a calendar I’ll be darned if I can remember what the date is but I am positive it is still Feb.
I was promoted to Captain the thirty first of January. It makes me feel pretty good and those bars look awful good on my shirt collar even if I do say so. If only I could get home to see all of you. Heaven’s knows when that will be.
They surely are piling the work on me. I don’t know how much longer I will be able to go with the present amount of sleep I am getting.
Our Colonel was promoted from Lt Col to a full Colonel, a Major to Lt Colonel and a Captain to Major. They passed their bars along the line and I inherited mine from Cap’t Waugh. He is the Cap’t that was promoted to Major. We all celebrated by eating K rations that is that darn chocolate bar.
We are gradually getting settled down again and most of the excitement has also gone with it.
Sorry to hear of Libby being ill. Not much of a letter but a few lines to let you know I am ok and I trust you are the same.
All my love,
Your son, Leo
Captain L.J. McLoskey