12 March, 1944
Dear Folks:
Received your letter today that was written Feb 7, 1944. I can’t understand why you haven’t been hearing from me. I have written you quite often. Perhaps my mail has been delayed along the line someplace the same as yours has.
Loren Hay’s stopped by to see me this evening and I showed him some picture of you and also of Roberts family. I know that he is very homesick to see his family but he just got overseas so I am afraid it will be quite awhile before he gets home.
Am glad that “Bobby” likes to spend the night with you. He surely is a swell looking boy. Anne and Mary Alice are also not to be sneezed at.
Hope that you have recovered from your colds when you receive this. I am feeling ok. They are now feeding me multiple vitamin tablets and I do believe that they are helping me as far as my tired feeling goes. However, a good visit with all of you is what I need the most.
Received the college calendar. Thanks. I can surely use it. At least I now am able to know what day and date of the month it is.
Will write to you just as often as I can and if you don’t get them very fast you will at least know that more of them are on the way.
Praying that this finds all of you in the best of health. I will close for this time.
All my love,
Your son, Leo
Captain L.J. McLoskey