March 27, 1944
Dear Folks:
The time surely does go very rapidly. It must be because I am so darn busy. I see the last time I dropped you a letter was March the twenty second.
I pray each evening that all of you are well and that they will send me home for a leave before many more months are gone.
This evening I am plenty tired and sleepy but I wanted to say hello to all of you before I took my bucket bath and retired. If only I could stop in for a short visit with all of you. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
I got four letters from Libby today dating all the way back to Feb 17, 1944. She surely does write one swell letter. Believe me Robert was one lucky fellow when he got Libby.
Wow! Surprise! Surprise! The man from the message center just left and he had two letters from you people. They were dated March 8, 1944 and March 9, 1944. It is now almost nine o’clock (pm) but this corporal told me he brought me the mail because he figured it was from my family and because I was always looking out for the men. It really made me feel very good as a matter of fact so good that tears came to my eyes. Yes Mother, Marines I do believe are tough in name and physically only. Their hearts are the same as any other individuals.
The plans for the kitchen look very good. I know both of you will like it. Thanks, dad for the Veteran of Foreign Wars card and for paying the dues. Also, thanks for the stamps.
I have so many things I could tell all of you but I simply cannot write. By golly! We will have a big celebration when I do return.
Am enclosing a couple more snap shots.
All my love,
Your son, Leo
Captain L.J. McLoskey