March 29, 1944
Dear Folks:
As April the sixteenth is your thirty eighth wedding anniversary I am now enclosing a check for you to do with as you see fit. I only wish that I could spend it with you. Hope you have a pleasant day and many more of them. I envy both of you. Who know’s, perhaps somebody will marry me when the war is over.
I have had a rather severe throat the past two day’s. The doc has some fancy name for it but I believe I have been smoking perhaps a little to much. We have been rather busy lately and with long hours my chewing and smoking help me keep awake.
Hope my letters have been getting to you sooner than I receive yours. However, considering every thing I do believe we are fortunate that we get mail as often as we do.
Maybe they will decide to send some of us home before long in order that we won’t become as the Marines put it: “rock happy.” That is one with a stare in their eyes and a far away look from being on an atoll too long.
Don’t worry about me as I am ok and hope this finds all of you batting a thousand per cent.
All my love,
Your son, Leo
Captain L.J. McLoskey