April 2, 1944
Dear Folks & All:
Here it is another Sunday. Another week has past and another month gone. In another month you will again be getting out the lawn furniture and mowing the grass.
I got Mrs. Dickson’s package yesterday and it contained several good items of chow. My tent mate and I ate half of them last evening. As yet I haven’t gotten your box but don’t worry it will be arriving one of these day’s. The mail has been slightly fouled up.
At the present time I have the duty at the Bn. C.P. Will get off about six this evening. It is now about one pm and I started at noon. Each day they seem to add more and more on my duties but as I have said before I don’t mind as I am so darn busy all the time that time goes very rapidly.
Just finished dropping Homer and Ada a few lines and I also enclosed some pictures. As I told Ada I can hear her and mother laughing now. The day is coming when we will all be together again.
Hope you have a swell wedding anniversary. I’ll be thinking of you.
Haven’t seen Bozz Hay’s in quite a spell. Guess he is getting along ok.
Got your letter of March 13th yesterday. That was pretty good time. The picture you sent in the newspaper I am afraid wasn’t me. Am sorry I can’t write you more but as I have said before it is impossible. Men who are writing and giving their location are not abiding by the rules of censorship and the censor letting it go through is not doing his job. I will always tell you whatever the rules permit.
Keep on writing as I love to hear from you. I miss all of you.
All my love,
Your son,
Captain L.J. McLoskey