18 April 1944
Dear Folks & All:
It is now 2:10 am so I will scribble off a few lines to you to let you know I am ok. I will be relieved from the battalion duty at 3 am. This makes a pretty long day for me.
I still have the sniffles. Guess my vitamin tablets don’t seem to be doing me much good.
Hope that your kitchen is all finished upon your receipt of this letter. I know it will look swell.
By golly: I just don’t know when I will be relieved so that I can get a thirty day leave. It sort of looks now as if we have the Jap’s on the run and that they are going to keep us seasoned field officers out here on duty. I know one thing and that is that I will be plenty happy when this whole affair is over with.
These damn pesky flies are about to drive me batty this evening. They seem to particularly delight in landing on my bald spot. Guess there isn’t much I can do about it.
I got a letter from Robert and Bobby today. Bobby said he was writing the letter from grandpa Jack’s office. Robert really hit the nail on the head when he said he guess lonely Marines loved to receive mail.
Hope this finds all of you feeling fine and may God bless all of you.
All my love,
Your son, Leo
Cap’t. L.J. McLoskey